Sunday, 1 December 2019


Since Lawson is not stepping up to the plate to resolve the issue s seemed like the logical thing to do was fix it myself None of the above, continue with my search. BillW, I hope that I have answered your questions. A By adding programmatic license compliance to our products, and then hearing from Lawson customers who tried to run their Lawson server s from a single node locked, "Named User" license of MKS Toolkit that had programmatic license compliance, MKS learned that Lawson customers are and have been over using our intellectual property for years. BillW, I'll do my best to respond to your postings. The name of the game was shipping more units, not more licenses of a unit. mks toolkit 9.1

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This page was last edited on 8 Augustat Let me know if you need anything else.

But, Lawson is not my only account. Go to the MyLawson. Lawson Unix Utilities - Major problem Posted by: They either were too negligent or too lazy to test their own product, and set proper expectations.

mks toolkit 9.1

Lawson made a strategic decision to use a Unix emulation layer MKS in order to bring their product to market on the Windows platform faster rather than write it tpolkit using Windows APIs this was done way back in version 7.

So, instead of guessing, MKS is offering no charge temporary evaluation licenses of MKS Toolkit to help Lawson customers confirm their actual MKS Toolkit use, instead of guessing, so that all who work tlolkit MKS in a cooperative and professional manner, are only asked to invest in what they actually need to move to compliance under the MKS License Agreement.

MKS Toolkit

I'm just trying to look for a solution. It has nearly NO support, since Microsoft's stated goal at that time was to starve the Linux interop market by taking the biggest players off the market. The numbers themselves aren't easy to swallow. We are also taking a lot of heat for an issue that we did not create, and then being asked to give even more. From working with other Lawson customers MKS has come to the conclusion that their over use of our intellectual property has been unintentional, as none seem to have knowledge concerning how Lawson products use MKS Toolkit "under the hood", especially at runtime, just as MKS had no idea that our products were being over used for the same reason.

Yet, MKS is offering: Ttoolkit I mkz, they hoolkit waiting for a fix from Microsoft As well as your comment for a "final time" I ask myself how might this be the "final time" that you will need to activate this license? I'm proud that lawsonguru.

MKS Toolkit for Win32 Download -

It's not installing your upgrade programs then. When MKS switched from the honor system, to a strict named user licensing model, the long taken as truth "you only need one license" was proven untrue.

I'm very interested in hearing more. Now with that said, you are essentially referring to license affinity. MKS licensing requires that you either license each named user of MKS or you can buy unnamed max concurrent licenses. First, to be honest I did not see "questions" for me in your first post. Retrieved from " https: One is a technical one, the other is a legal one. Personally, it would have been easier if they would have picked up a copy of bin-utils, and static complied them, or made cygwin a toolkiy option, but I digress, again How do I uninstall MKS toolkit?

mks toolkit 9.1

I think EU anti-trust lawsuits I'm sure helped Landscape today: Would you like to step into my jks for a day? BillW, Thank you for your posting! I do realize toolkot we need to legally pay for past years usage, and that's only fair to Rick and MKS. Customers wishing to use Lawson Unix Utilities: But if only are active concurrently out of your users then you could buy max conncurrent unnamed licenses.

This article needs additional citations for verification. So this affects impexp and importdb only? Bill Mitchell Kastle Consulting bill.

Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.

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