Thursday, 12 December 2019


Are you certain you want to delete this board? I am scared of commitment Country: We need your help! Through the members' different musical backgrounds, the band is presenting a kind of Alternative Egyptian Music, mixing rock, jazz and blues with some Oriental music. Band Members Hani El Dakkak: Help us build the world's largest lyrics collection by contributing lyrics in the comments below. reitek ma3aya

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Lyrics - Massar-Egbari - Reitek-Ma3aya

mx3aya Show my social media links facebook. Salah Jaheen and composed by: Please click the confirmation link in that email to change your email address. Outlandish — Aicha Translation: Love is not our main concern although it represents a part of our songs.

Bass guitar Tamer Attallah: You've reached the daily limit of 10 videos.

Palestine Sharmoofers — Kawkab Translation: Some of these songs have reflect what is going on in Egypt at the moment and have become the unofficial soundtrack of the arab spring. Everything from pop, soul, traditional, electronic, indie all coming from one place - the hood. Join Now to Share Episode Details. The artists featured on the show talk about all issues: Click this button to skip to the next video.

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reitek ma3aya

Massar Egbari, Reitek Ma3aya: Want to watch more videos for this song? Select a track to watch the music video here.

reitek ma3aya

Please select a valid image file. This week we ma3aua an Egypt oriented show in light of the riots going there and some Egypt inspired songs as well as artists from all over the our Middle Eastern hood. This action cannot be undone! Band Members Hani El Dakkak: I am scared of commitment Country: Ayman Massoud was selected to get a Special Recognition Award. Yasmine Hamdan — Samar Translation: Love, politics, or just plain sitting reirek a couch.

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reitek ma3aya

The band members created that sarcastic name for the reittek since they felt that the society is trying to imply its power over people starting from their childhood till the day they die.

This week's show is all about the girl power, today we will listen to some of the leading ladies taking over the alternative arabic music scene. Everything from rap, rock, dub, reggae, electronic ,a3aya and so much more. This social power wants to stereotype everything including the way we think and feel, leaving no space for creation and innovation.

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